We offer a wide range of services for the Business needs. Whether your business is brand new and you need a new network setup or you've been around for a while and you need some maintenance work done, we have got you covered. Below is a list of services that we routinely perform and needed within the company structure. We always offer a free estimate before the work begins. | |
Business Services:
Schools & Classroom Services:
Help take the load off of your Technology Coordinator/Directory by contracting with us! We have been helping schools since 2008 and can provide our current contact references that will help in providing accurate accounts of our working status and our current school partnership relations. We love helping teachers to do their jobs more efficiently by using technology. In today's cutting edge schools the one-to-one device to student ratio is the sought after goal. With that goal brings a lot of responsibility and device maintenance. Let us help keep those devices in the student’s hands by providing contracted services to ensure productivity. We want to help keep those devices up and running like you planned for them to be.
2014 Ellen Armstrong - Mainstream Technology